Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is the true story of seven strangers

Alright, so if you haven't heard...I'm moving. All the way to Boston. The only thing I know about Boston is that it has a solid basketball team by the name of the Boston Celtics. Oh yeah...and it has Harvard (well, Cambridge has Harvard but close enough.) Basketball and ivy league men...this might work out for me.

As thoughts of moving and becoming an adult have consumed me for the past 48 hours or so, of course, I've thought about dating.

How do you date in the real world?

Usually, I like to have an answer for such questions. That's the point of this blog. That's why you're reading this because I've made myself out to be some love guru (ha, I'm the exact opposite) and you want me to help you. But, I don't think I can help you on this one. The truth is, I, like many of my peers, am getting ready to exit the world of college where dating is defined as: "We became Facebook friends. I met you once after only texting you and never actually speaking to you. We ran into each other at Cornerstone and sealed our love with a drunken kiss and other activities that took place in your apartment at Commons. The end." College prides itself on teaching us a lot of things but, I'm sorry, dating is simply not one of them.

The pathetic thing is...I'm not sure if I'm ready to enter the "real world" of dating. When I think of the real world of dating, I think of dinner and a movie, someone pulling out my chair for me, picking me up at my place around 8 and getting me home around 11. Chivalrous? Sure. Boring as hell? Yeah, that too. Even though "dating" or whatever we're doing in undergrad (you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals...) is pretty gross and sleazy, at least it's creative. Even people who actually are in monogamous relationships in college find fun and cheap things to do and avoid the stereotypical "dinner and a movie" date. Dinner and a movie is lame and should only be reserved for the name of that show that used to come on TBS for single lonely girls on a Friday night.

What I'm getting at is that I'm not really ready for the fluff of real dating. Everything about real life is politics, dating, happy hour with your co-workers. People in the real world become robots and shells of their former selves, something that I think we should all intend to consciously avoid if the world has any chance of being a decent place (hence why this blog is going to be my escape once I begin work). But, back to dating. I don't know if it's necessary for someone to buy me a 50 dollar meal in order to learn my middle name and what I majored in in college. In fact, sometimes I think I'd just rather sit down and have a sour amoretta while having that conversation. Because in the end, the real world is just far too padded and fluffy at this point and dating should be a place that's raw (not in that sense, kids), real, and rough. That's the only way you can really get to know someone.

Screw the fluff. No cotton necessary for this girl.

Love freely,

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