Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Redefining PDA

If you are reading this post because you want to know about my views on couples acting like morons being all kissy and huggy and gross in public, then stop reading. Not writing about that today, biatch.

Nope, I'm talking about PDA: Public Displays of Argumentation.

You've seen it. You've probably done it. Yup, I'm talking about fighting with your significant other in public.

Fighting with your sig o in public is kinda like throwing up in public: you don't want to do it, you don't even want to do it in private, but sometimes you can't control it and everyone else sees it but will try to be polite and not be grossed out by you (unless of course you are me and have a deep-rooted phobia of vomit in which case you will abruptly leave the room like a maniac...the sad thing is I'm not even lying.) Also, that vom/fighting analogy was one of the top 10 best analogies I've used on Free Love ever. I'm just saying.

Anyway, this post is all sparked by a run in I had with someone yesterday as they were nearing the end of a "conversation" (pronounced argument) with their boyfriend. There I was, holding my grande mocha and waiting to start working on our group project while averting my eyes from the uncomfortable scene. I could sympathize...a little over a year ago, I had my own public falling out with an ex in the middle of a crowded NYC restaurant where I had to flee to the bathroom and cry. Then, one of the nice bathroom attendants (the type of job only found in cities where people are too elitist to turn the sink on themselves) handed me a tissue and I realized, wow, Tyece, you're kind of pathetic right now.

Public fallouts are just a part of the relationship game. And, in some ways, they are like PDA (now, I'm talking about Public Displays of Affection.) Sometimes, you really can't keep your hands off of each other and sometimes you really can't stop yourself from wanting to grab your boyfriend by his throat and damage him. Fighting in public is just one of those things that makes relationships real. (Sh)it happens and you'll be better because of it. Keep it to a minimum but don't avoid it completely. If anything, it's entertainment for us single people.

But, don't spill your cookies in public. Not entertaining...gross. And, I will run away. And, maybe cry.

Love freely,

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