Saturday, December 26, 2009

You Think You Know...

Recently, I have read some of those "Things Guys Wish Girls Knew" lists on other blogs.

So, I figured I would write a "Things Girls Wish Guys Knew" list because the last time I checked, most guys are not omniscient. Not even close. Not even a little bit.

  • You've got a big ego. We know. We heard the Beyonce song. But, humility goes a long way for all human beings.
  • Mutual is our word of choice when it comes to intimate activities. It isn't all about you.
  • Perhaps you can't take subtle or strong hints. OK, fair enough. But, listen!
  • Nothing is our default response when you ask if something is wrong. Ask twice.
  • Try harder. And, when you feel like you're trying hard, try even harder.
  • Don't try to dance with us when Single Ladies comes on. Please.
  • Good looks mean absolutely nothing if you don't have something intelligent to say.
  • If we didn't wear high heels at least some of the time, you guys would cry like little babies so shut up and admit that you like a girl to sex it up every once in awhile. Yeesh.
  • One text message goes a long way in our book.
  • Can you cook? Because if you can, you are the equivalent of God. Enough said.
  • We know you guys can hook up with pretty much anything that has mammary glands, but give us space on our ugly/fat/unattractive days and stop trying to get it in all of the time.
  • PMS is a justifiable excuse for some things. It's like an out of body experience.
  • We will spare you the details of Sex and the City if you spare us the details of the football game, unless of course we ask.
  • We notice when you put effort into your wardrobe.
  • Don't ask about our day if you really don't care.
  • Chauvinism is moderation.
  • If you dab on some cologne, oh you are definitely getting lucky tonight.
  • We wince when we hear you guys use the B word.
  • We really do care if your mom likes us.
  • We hope your friends aren't complete idiots.
  • We notice if you are a serial dater. Guys who can't stand to be single are just as bad as girls who can't stand it.
  • Leave the effing every girl in the world up to Lil Wayne. We don't like diseases.
  • Your best bet for a pick up line is "Hello. My name is________"
  • We have bodily functions, too.
  • Skinny jeans are cool. Anorexic jeans are not.
  • "Shawty" is not a real word, let alone our name.
  • If you tell us you will call back in 5 minutes, please don't call back 2 hours later. At that point, you are not doing us any favors. Unlike you, we do not have a warped sense of time.
  • Trust us, you might want us to fake it. Cause, if we don't, your feelings will be hurt. And, well, sometimes you just aren't good. And, well, that's OK.
  • If we ask if you need anything from the store, please do not give us your grocery list for the next two weeks.
  • You guys are kind of known for cheating. So, do us a favor and just break up with us if you are going to cheat.
  • Your ex-girlfriend sucks.
  • And because she sucks, we do not want her to have any way to contact us. Because, if she's crazy, she will.
  • You know, we really don't ask that much of you guys. Sometimes your heads are just too far up your arse to see that.
  • But, we love you anyway.

Love freely,


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