Who you have been with says a lot about who you were, who you are and who you no longer want to be.
Exes always present an interesting situation. Let's not call them skeletons. Let's call them clothes in the closet that are always there, no matter how much we push them to the back and forget about them. As the months and years wear on, we put on new clothes, outgrow other garments, and just decide that we don't look good in some things anymore. Sometimes we buy shirts and only wear them once and sometimes we can't quit wearing our favorite jeans, despite their holes and imperfections.
People acquire a colorful and unique history because of their past significant others. Perhaps not everyone has a string of long term relationships, but most people at least have a string of previous emotional investments, hookups, breakdowns, friends with benefits, etc. If not, live a little longer. It is inevitable.
When is it OK to revisit the past and throw on something you haven't worn in awhile?
Some people are fortunate enough not to end things on a bad note. Others are not as lucky. It really just varies based on the situation. Nevertheless, our pasts exist and there are times when it is perfectly OK to confront them from a more mature and objective standpoint. We can become so easily inundated by emotions in a relationship that we forget we are dating a person, a human being with feelings and flaws. Maybe it's OK to return later and be able to see people for who they are and not who we wanted them to be or who we made them out to be.
Of course, there are times when it's not worth putting on the old clothes. Some things are plain outdated and ugly.
Be wise about your decision and stay stylish. Some vintage garments are timeless; others should be taken to the thrift store for someone else to pick up.
Love freely,
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