First off, if you are a University of Maryland student and you finished classes for the Fall 2009 semester, I need to give you props. Well, if you are just a student in general, props to you too. There is something oddly fulfilling about finishing classes for the semester--odd in the regard that we are celebrating while finals are dangling over our heads like a 100 pound brick but hey, we finished the potentially hardest part. Papers and final projects kept me away from my baby (this blog) this week and it feels good to return (if only for a day or two until I buckle down and begin studying.)
On to today's topic.
Most guys I meet hates Cosmopolitan.
Most girls I meet love Cosmopolitan.
These two facts would not matter if it were not for the fact that Cosmopolitan is a magazine for women about men.
Sometimes, Cosmo is a guilty pleasure for my friends and I as we indulge in other people's misfortunes of hookups gone wrong and terrible kissers.
Other times, Cosmo is some sort of unofficial girl bible for us as we nod furiously while reading about "The 10 Signs That He's Just not That Into You" or "Things That Will Ruin a Relationship."
But, how seriously should we take Cosmo...really?
If you have ever used some of the magazine's advice in a real life situation, you can easily find that the advice is not 100% destined to work. In fact, it is (well, in my case) about 90% destined to fail you. I personally believe this percentage is because Cosmo puts all of the emphasis on the power a female has in situations (namely sexual situations, but hey relationships work, too) and forgets that men have egos, and...wait for it...feelings. Cosmo is like the girl who has her entire wedding planned, from the floral arrangements to the material of her dress without taking into account that she is missing the husband. And, I mean, you never know, your husband might want purple flowers, not pink.
And, hey, Cosmo, if a man isn't doing something right, he PROBABLY does not want his girl to tell him right then and there. I'm just saying. Not like I'm speaking from personal experience or anything.
Also, I could jump on my feminist soap box for a minute and argue that women are more than just sex and Cosmo defeats its exact purpose of trying to empower women because it only writes about sex, pleasure, and lust in about 99.95% of its articles but hey, that is just the hypocritical feminist in me who still picks the glossy pages up while in line at Target speaking.
I've ranted a bit in this post so allow me to clean everything up. The point is, like most things in life (such as this blog), if you are a woman who reads the magazine, take everything Cosmo says with a grain of salt and do not try to actually implement the magazine's advice (OK that only speaks for Cosmo...my blog advice might actually work) because you could end up with a disastrous, unfortunate, or just plain awkward situation on your hands.
Now, drink to that.
Love freely,
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