Friday, December 4, 2009

Still Got It

So, I was inspired to write this posts a few days ago but apparently I am a student and this is the worst time of year to do anything that doesn't involve studying, writing papers, or complaining about grades.

But, I digress.

While I was in the library a few nights ago, I heard two guys talking, one of whom mentioned he had a girlfriend. This same guy later mentioned getting another girl's number and wanting to talk to her.

"What about your girlfriend?" his friend asked, mirroring my exact thoughts.

"Sometimes, you just gotta know you still have it," he replied.

How necessary is the desire to still feel wanted and attracted by people other than your significant other?

Relationships are...well, I could end this sentence a million different ways, in fact I probably have during the course of this blog. But, today, I'm going to say relationships are beautiful. It is so reassuring to have someone think you're one of the most amazing people on the planet, tell you how gorgeous you are, and show it to you on the regular (you know what I'm saying.) But, that is also the kind of appreciation that becomes routine. Sometimes, it is reaffirming to know that a stranger thinks you are smoking hot. Because, well, we all need that.

But, how far should people go to get this sort of reaffirmation? Too often, people seek that reassurance from strangers and end up getting their hand too close to the fire. In other words, they either emotionally or physically cheat. It sums up the idea that sometimes you just don't know what you've got till it's gone. A flirty text, a hot hookup, or a second glance from a complete stranger are usually not equal to the love, appreciation, and admiration of a significant other.

So, if you're eye begins wandering hoping that a stranger's eye is looking back, maybe you should think twice and just ask your boyfriend or girlfriend to give it to you extra good that night. I mean love, of course.

Love freely,

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