Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Sky is the Limit

Motivation is a sexy thing.

In light of the end of the semester, final exams, grades, and everything else that encompasses that, I figured it would be a good idea to write about this positive correlation (woo, there goes my research methods knowledge still filtering into my life) between how motivated a person is and their "hotness" factor.

OK, I'm sure social scientists have not proven my theory yet. Nonetheless, there is something undeniably sexy about a person who has motivation, goals, and a work ethic. Sure, not everyone looks for these attributes in a potential mate. But, perhaps these positive things say more about a people beyond their GPA. Maybe a hard work ethic or an unwillingness to give up show us that a person will put that same sort of effort into every aspect of a relationship. Again, social scientists haven't proven that. But, they're working on it. Trust me, folks.

In the end, the true lure of a goal-oriented potential mate is that the person has a life. At the end of the day, the person will have something to say, something to talk about, something to be passionate about other than you and your interests. And, everyone needs that. People who make their entire lives about their mate pose a serious danger to the relationship by investing their all in a person instead of depositing some of that love into themselves.

Of course the downside is that if you find someone who is too obsessed with their future goals, they could neglect the relationship altogether. Pick and choose wisely, I guess.

It is easy to settle for a pretty face or someone who simply offers a good time. And, while those things may be important, they are certainly not everything. If you're in it for the long haul, remember beauty is only skin deep. If your potential mate can't see the sky as the limit, perhaps it is time to get with it or get lost.

Love freely,

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