Welcome to the 21st century. Home of everything quick and dirty, easy and attainable.
No different when it comes to our personal lives.
My boss and I just had a conversation spurred by an article in today's Diamondback about how texting is the basis for relationships and hookups nowadays. She was stunned. I had to inform her that my generation is not going down the drain; we've hit the scummy, murky, soaked bottom of it.
The other day a friend and I talked about people's "numbers" and how if your number nowadays is below double digits, even if that means it's like, oh I don't know, seven or eight, your next partner should be grateful. That's the norm.
OK, OK. I'm not here to talk about people jumping in bed and fulfilling carnal desires because I, too, have desires, and well, they are terribly carnal. But, this is free love. You know I don't do that. You know I have to talk about the bigger picture. Duh.
As a 20 year old, I know I'm part of the instant gratification generation. Maybe our parents spoiled us as children. I don't know. Come up with your own Freudian interpretation. Whatever the case, we expect our professors to curve C's into A's, we do the least amount of work for the greatest possible reward, we text someone for a day and then interact with them as though we've known them for a year (again, take this as you wish), and we call ourselves free spirits, "living in the moment," when really, we're just not exercising common sense but we're too free-spirited to call it that.
Yes, I hail from the instant gratification generation. A generation that acts often but thinks rarely.
See, that's my solution. People just need to think. I don't care if you overanalyze or think too much. But, at least do yourself the favor of thinking at least a little bit before you hook up with someone who is a complete waste of space, or make yourself available to someone who barely acknowledges your existence. I would even argue, be selfish and think about yourself for a change. I would also say "The only person you have to go to bed with at night and wake up next to in the morning is yourself" but that's a lie. You might go to bed with him. Either way, you get the metaphor.
Things that are easily attained are not usually worthwhile. Think about it.
Love freely,
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