Thursday, October 29, 2009

To slut or not to slut?

A conversation I overheard today:

"When did Halloween get so slutty?"

"In college."

October 31 (and 30...and 29...) is Halloween. People wait an entire year to dress up, get scared, and let their inner freak shine. If you're in college and your genitalia matches that of a female, Halloween only means one thing. It's time to get loose.

My freshmen year of college was the first time I slutted up my costume. I was a bunny. [insert visual here.]

Last year, I went to even greater slutty extremes and decided on the day of Halloween to be a school girl. [insert even more vivid visual here.]

This year, I'm paying homage to the King of Pop with my costume, so as you can imagine, you [don't have to insert a visual here.]

Why is it that Halloween has become synonymous with women letting every part of their bodies show?

Ohhh, I know what you're thinking. You read my last bra burning post and you think I'm about to persecute these slutty, slutty gals.

False, my love. False.

If you failed to read the two sentences describing my past Halloween costumes, I've enjoyed letting more than a few inches of skin show on the scariest day of the year. Halloween is a time to be what you can't be on a normal day. And, because I don't condone any female being a slut on a normal day, hey, why not do it on a not so normal day?

To me personally, the best costumes aren't the ones where I look at a girl and feel like I'm watching an xxx movie. No, the best costumes are the creative ones. Just today, I heard someone was going to be Twitter and have a huge sign and a bunch of statuses written on post-its stuck to them. And, she was a girl. Man, she's awesome in my book.

I might even give MJ a little bit of a sexy edge this year, just not nearly as sexpot-esque as I've done in previous years. Just be warned that if your gluteus maximus and mammary glands are out for everyone to see, men (and perhaps even women) will comment, grab, and grope. And, I mean, stand up for your womanly rights all you want, but you put it out there so deal with it.

If you're feeling ambitious, be creative with your costume. When in doubt, just slut it up.

Happy Halloween, folks.

Love freely,


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dead or alive?

Burn your bras, ladies. Chivalry is dead.

Ok, I just needed a way to grab your attention so that was my opening line.

Today, in my Spanish class we discussed differences between men and women. This is a topic I can easily speak about in English but in Spanish...ehh, different story. Nonetheless, it got me to thinking: is chivalry dead? defines chivalry as: the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.

Usually, when I think of chivalry, I think of the guy who opens doors, helps the girl put on her coat, pulls the chair out at the table, etc. Maybe it even extends to the guy who buys flowers, rubs a woman's feet after a long day, etc.

Let me admit. I'm a bra burner myself which is a ridiculous way of saying I'm a feminist. Oh man, people always get so touchy about that word when really all it means is that I believe women should have equal rights as men. Chill. Relax. Keep reading.

Having stated my radical views, sometimes chivalry enfeebles me. I mean, I've been putting my coat on by myself for years (with the exception of the years my mom put it on me), so why do I need help now? Chivalry catches my attention on maybe a first or second date, but what about months, years, and even decades into a relationship?

The problem is sometimes when chivalry dies, we feel like the relationship is dying. If we become accustomed to our beau holding the door and suddenly one day he looks at us and waits for us to open it, we immediately sense a problem.

Today at the movie theatre I saw a woman wait for the guy to open the door for her. This is pure idiocy to me. If you get there before him, open it, woman. Haven't you learned how to be efficient?

In the end, despite my views about putting on my own coat, I would hope chivalry is not dead. In the same regard, I would hope kindness is not dead and I would hope women are willing to open doors just as much as men. I would hope that if your guy opens the car door for you, you return the favor and reach over and grab his door before he gets in. I hope men rub their lady's back after a long day and women rub their guy's back after he endured a never ending shift. I would hope respect, generosity, and mutual affection exist in all relationships.

If you expect your boy to always be the generous one, well, good luck to you. In the mean time, I'll keep burning my bra.

Love freely,


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In a galaxy far, far away...

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Or does it?

I've never been in a long distance relationship, but that isn't saying much because I haven't been in that many relationships.

So, let's create a scenario. Your boyfriend is a year older than you and is getting ready to graduate. He's flying across the country to pursue his acting dreams and you're staying at blank university, on the other side of the country. Throw it long distance or call it quits?

Of course, there are a number of extenuating circumstances that I don't have time to list on this post that would affect such a decision. I mean, are you guys really in love or is it just one of those relationships that has just been "fun?" Are you both independent enough to survive the day without calling someone else baby an infinite number of times? These are things to consider, people.

I've always had a juxtaposed respect and disapproval if you will for people in long distance relationships. I know, how can you respect something and disapprove at the same time? I respect the bravery and faith people in long distance relationships have. I think, when done correctly, long distance relationships require a tremendous amount of patience and understanding that people in "normal" relationships do not necessarily have to have.

However, there are times when I don't know how possible long distance relationships are. (Notice I said "how possible," I didn't say the were impossible.) When you don't see someone you care about for a long time, usually the time you spend with them is carefree and happy because you value that time and you recognize how precious it is. But, if the only time spent with someone whom you are dating is always happy and carefree, is that a pseudo relationship? Great relationships have great debates. You don't truly know someone until you push their buttons which is an entirely different post but hey, it works here. How possible is it to cover all the facets of love, emotion, etc. in such short spurts of time?

I think the answer here is that there is no answer. Some people are built for it, most people are not. If you happen to be one of the few made for love that goes the distance, I salute you on such bravery, independence, and faith. And, well, for you normal relationship people, I hope you're still brave, independent, and faithful, too.

And, if this post made you feel uneasy, just watch Giuliana and Bill. I mean, they made a marriage go the distance. Yikes.

And, if you're single, well up and move to California. It's totally cool.

Love freely,

Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm not the biggest fan of sleepovers.

No, I don't mean the fun sleepovers you had when you were 8 (or in my case even 18) where you and your friends stayed up all night talking about boys and prank calling them.

Man, I love those sleepovers.

I mean sleepovers with that member of the opposite sex whom you happen to be canoodling/horizontal tango-ing/whatever-ing with at the moment.

Perhaps this theory only exists in the small confines of my mind, but I believe literally sleeping next to someone (given you are romantically interested or involved) increases an emotional attachment. I think the emotional attachment increases even more if the two people touch while sleeping.

So, here are rules to the sleepover, free love style:

1) Your place or his? If it's your place, and he asks to stay, I don't see why not. Or, maybe he'll just fall asleep because that's what men do know, they reach that happy place. But, if you really don't want him to stay, kick him out (nicely, of course.) It's your bed. If it's his place and he doesn't mention you staying, find your stray clothes and dip. Don't overstay your welcome. Not cute.

2) I don't care if you're dating seriously or just in it for fun. Reserve habitual sleepovers for married life.

3) The next morning: I suggest exiting earlier rather than later. I mean, the night's over and you certainly don't look as dazzling as you did mere hours before.

4) Definitely reserve packing overnight bags only for stays with a serious significant other. You will terrify a hookup if you commit such an offense.

5) Remember, sometimes the best cuddle buddy is that stuffed animal you got back in third grade.

There are many things I do not share with other people. My sleep is one of them.

Love freely,


Sunday, October 25, 2009


I was going to begin this post with a quote about fate. Then, I realized I didn't agree with the first ten I read so I said, forget the quotes, let me just start.

I didn't agree with the quotes for the purposes of this post because they all downed fate, saying people can't allow fate to control them, people make their own decisions, etc etc. And, I mean maybe I agree with that when it comes to others matters of life, but this is free LOVE. Not free LIFE.

When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes (well, most times), fate helps us. The forces beyond our control and maybe even the forces within our control at times, make way for a better result in the long run. Breakups, goodbyes, heartache, and hurt don't ever feel good when they happen. They sting, they bite, they burn. We cry, we scream, we sulk. No matter what the case, sooner or later, we all have that retrospect moment when we realize whatever happened for whatever reason was meant to happen and we're better, stronger, wiser, because of it.

Some people refer to this idea as time heals all wounds. But, sometimes I don't think time heals all wounds. I think we heal our own wounds and time is just the neosporin.

Love freely,

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sweet Beats

"Never met a sunshine like this, never seen the moon glow like this, never seen the waterfalls like this, never seen the lights off like this, never dug anyone like this..."

"I can't let my life pass me by, I can get down and try, work it all out this lifetime, lifetime"

"If I can't have you let love set you free to fly your pretty wings around"

"Fortunate to have you, girl, I'm so glad you're in my world, just as sure as the sky is blue, I bless the day that I found you"

"Shouldn't I realize, you're the highest of the high, and if you don't know then I'll say it so don't ever wonder, don't ever wonder..."

Ladies and gentlemen, the man is Maxwell and the music is phenomenal.

This man serenaded me and hundreds of other women last night at a show and of course I'm not just going to throw his lyrics up on my blog without giving the broader free love context.

Evident from the above lyrics, this man's music is the epitome of romance. I'm sure many children were conceived to his tunes. Artists like him, John Legend, John Mayer, Robin Thicke, and countless others, bring music back to its romantic roots and remind us that there was a day and still is a day where male musical artists honor women and romance simultaneously in their melodies. Not only is it good to know that some men are still looking for ladies and not...well, other terms that rappers use that I refuse to put on my lovely blog, but it's also nice to know romance still exists, even if it's in the smallest melodious musical cracks.

Sometimes, I think my generation has given up on romance, myself included. But, don't forget, it doesn't hurt to throw on a contagious sweet beat and rock along with the one you love.

Love freely,


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The best accessory

I went to my first "slumber" party tonight. While I won't divulge many details, I will say that I will certainly be attending more.

So, as I'm sitting there rubbing sugary scented edible lotions on my arms with girls I barely knew an hour before and marveling over adorable lingerie, it got me thinking about single women. (sorry if there's a theme this week, no reason.) Well, no, it just got me to thinking about women and how we value ourselves.

It struck me when the party's main lady (um I don't know what her title is) talked about wearing lingerie even if it's just while you're cleaning the house or wearing sexy lingerie under your clothes in the office to boost your confidence. I always thought lingerie was pointless until she said this.

No, no, this entire post isn't about lace and transparent garments. Keep reading.

As the night continued, it felt good to just have fun and acknowledge your sexuality. I think too many times, women downplay their sexuality and attractiveness both when they are single and when they become too comfortable in relationships. It's OK to slip on some cute skivvies every now and again at night, even if you're the only one in your bed. And, it's OK to surprise your significant other with some fun "toy" that you ordered from a catalog and spent way too much money on. The entire night reminded me that confidence is the sexiest accessory any woman can put on: timeless, fabulous, and classic.

Today was just one of those days when I didn't feel attractive, especially in my leggings and star patterned kicks. Going to this party just gave me that little boost. Whatever it is, a "slumber" party or a night out with your friends, do something for you that makes you feel amazing without any man having to tell you that you are. You don't need it. Just like the lingerie will eventually fall to the floor, so will his compliment if you don't have the confidence to back it up.

Love freely,


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Master the Art

I've read on a few blogs lately about this whole "single" idea and phenomena.

So, I'm going to write about it Free Love style.

There are numerous books, movies, songs, etc. about being single. Beyonce made it a hit and former ABC bachelorette Jen something wrote a book called "Better Single Than Sorry" (a good read, I must say.) See, we think society has an obsession with love and relationships (because it does...I mean, you ARE reading this blog), but, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (society's obsession with being single.)

Except, being single is an art. Just like being in a relationship. It takes months, even years, to master this fine art.

You can't be one of those girls belting out Single Ladies in the club but, really, you're only belting out the song to avoid crying about your recent breakup. Man, you're still in a relationship. The only thing is you are the only person left in the relationship. The other person already dipped.

And, I don't know how I feel about single people who have one or multiple hookups. I mean I just don't know. Let's leave it at that.

There are a million scenarios I could run through. The point is, single, when used in the right context, is a positive term that encompasses more than just a relational state. It encompasses your mindset, your behavior, and your attitude. Single people aren't warriors. They feel lonely and vulnerable just like people in relationships. They aren't survivors. Come on, there are worse things than breakups. Single people just embrace being, well, single, the same way a person in a relationship unconditionally loves the other person.

Ladies and gentlemen, grab your paintbrushes, and master the art.

Love freely,

Monday, October 19, 2009

A comforting thought

There's something very comforting about having not yet found one's soulmate. There's something so undeniably sweet about knowing the perfect, earth-shattering love, is still somewhere in the stratosphere just waiting for you. And, everyday you don't find it, maybe you just find yourself a little more. Perfect yourself a little more so you are the absolute best you that you can be when that love finally comes around. Because, baby, believe me, it will.

People who have found the one are so fortunate. But for those of us who haven't, well, we're pretty damn lucky, too.

Love freely,


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Title the book.

While buying a pack of Double Stuf Oreos today, I heard a group of girls talking about their hook-ups and one referred to her guy as her "boyfriend-ish."

"We kind of are but we're kind of not," she told her friends.

I stopped. Looked. Laughed. Continued on with Oreos.

In my few years of experience with the opposite sex (better known as male), I've learned that if you "kind of are but kind of not," you most likely aren't.

If you're new to Free Love, let me explain that I have an affinity for bashing idiotic women. Not because I'm above them. No, no, no. See, I, too, can be an idiotic woman so I feel like it's OK to do.

And, well, some women are just plain dumb, stupid, slow, and all of the above. Easy target. And, I don't like to stretch my brain much on these posts.

Back to boyfriend-ish. The ironic thing about this whole term is that it's giving a title to something that doesn't even exist. I'm so confused. He may be your boyfriend-ish, but I can guarantee that if he's sitting down with his guys talking, you are not his "girlfriend-ish." You are "oh, yea, that chick I (insert sexual action in past tense here), the other night."

Not everyone or every person needs a title. Some things are better left unsaid. But, if you're going to put a title on something, at least have it be a real one that people have heard of and won't make total strangers laugh at you and distract them from the insane cost of Double Stuf Oreos at convenience shops.

Girlfriend and boyfriend are serious words. Don't add ish to them. Then, you're just full of ish.

Love freely,


Friday, October 16, 2009

Think tank.

Welcome to the 21st century. Home of everything quick and dirty, easy and attainable.

No different when it comes to our personal lives.

My boss and I just had a conversation spurred by an article in today's Diamondback about how texting is the basis for relationships and hookups nowadays. She was stunned. I had to inform her that my generation is not going down the drain; we've hit the scummy, murky, soaked bottom of it.

The other day a friend and I talked about people's "numbers" and how if your number nowadays is below double digits, even if that means it's like, oh I don't know, seven or eight, your next partner should be grateful. That's the norm.

OK, OK. I'm not here to talk about people jumping in bed and fulfilling carnal desires because I, too, have desires, and well, they are terribly carnal. But, this is free love. You know I don't do that. You know I have to talk about the bigger picture. Duh.

As a 20 year old, I know I'm part of the instant gratification generation. Maybe our parents spoiled us as children. I don't know. Come up with your own Freudian interpretation. Whatever the case, we expect our professors to curve C's into A's, we do the least amount of work for the greatest possible reward, we text someone for a day and then interact with them as though we've known them for a year (again, take this as you wish), and we call ourselves free spirits, "living in the moment," when really, we're just not exercising common sense but we're too free-spirited to call it that.

Yes, I hail from the instant gratification generation. A generation that acts often but thinks rarely.

See, that's my solution. People just need to think. I don't care if you overanalyze or think too much. But, at least do yourself the favor of thinking at least a little bit before you hook up with someone who is a complete waste of space, or make yourself available to someone who barely acknowledges your existence. I would even argue, be selfish and think about yourself for a change. I would also say "The only person you have to go to bed with at night and wake up next to in the morning is yourself" but that's a lie. You might go to bed with him. Either way, you get the metaphor.

Things that are easily attained are not usually worthwhile. Think about it.

Love freely,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



She keeps wondering why she keeps getting played
Yet coincidentally, she keeps getting laid
Putting her heart in the palm of their hands
Why give all of yourself to someone who's barely a man?
She doesn't know the rule
Yet insists on playing the game
A puzzle of broken hearts
It always ends up the same
She's handing over her body
her mind
and her soul
Giving away her all
And letting someone else have the control
Is she searching for love?
Is she searching for peace?
Is she searching for an outlet
That is simply a release?
If she's searching for herself
The chances of finding that are slim
Because the beauty of who she is
Is buried inside of him
Why are women the ones
Complaining about men?
When they are the same ones
Who make it so easy for them?
She gifted him all of her
Only for it to be devoured
She wished he were a man
But deep down, she knew he was a coward
She didn't use her brain
And denied the feelings in her heart
So, she's left with demolished pieces
And no idea where to start
With love comes a price
and in full she paid
A deep bet
A lifelong debt
Only to get played.

Love freely,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day of Birth!

Today's my 20th birthday! Maybe I should write about boyfriends forgetting their girlfriends' birthdays, or girlfriends getting extravagant gifts on their birthdays, or about how some people are married by the time their 20 while I'm sitting here realizing my life has just begun.


instead, today, I will simply say I am blessed and surrounded by the love of not only my amazing family but also my incredible friends. These people surround me with love everyday but it's days like these when my dad sings to me on the phone, or my mom txts and asks "where's the birthday girl?" and my sisters call me, or my friends come out to dinner despite having to study for midterms, and other friends travel from out of town and drop serious amounts of money to go out that I realize I am loved and it is the most beautiful feeling in the world.

Happy Birthday to me.

Love freely,


Sunday, October 11, 2009

If you can't be with the one you love...

Come on. You've read my posts. You know sometimes I'm notorious for crushing the hearts and dreams of young lovers. Sometimes.

But, after celebrating an incredible birthday weekend with some of my best friends, I realized just as I said in my last post, love is everywhere. There are some beautiful things in life to be grateful for and if you're surrounded by love, whether it's loving friends, family, or a significant other, well, kid, you're one of the lucky ones.

So, if you can't be with the one you love, love the ones you're with.

Love freely,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here to stay

Someone told me sometimes these posts are sad (wink wink)

Yea. Sometimes they are.

So let's be happy today.

Love is in the tiniest cracks of our lives. It's in the feeling we get when our dad tells us he's proud of us or our best friend makes us laugh after an abysmal day or we hug someone we haven't seen in years or months or days. Love is hidden in music, in poems, in good food, in great conversation, in dancing the night away, in curling up with a good book or a good person, and in smiling at strangers. Love is like putting on a sweater right when fall begins and knowing something will keep you warm despite the wind, rain, sleet, and snow. Love is cotton candy and bubblegum and funnel cake.

Love rumbles. It rolls. It shakes. It roars. Love, great love, is sometimes loud and sometimes quiet. Sometimes love is a whisper. Sometime's it's a giggle. Sometimes, it's just happy silence.

Love is in the smallest spaces. Tiny holes that see into our soul.

Love is everywhere.

Love is real.

Belief in love might come and go,

But love is here to stay.

Love freely,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First timer

Can we just take a minute and remember our first loves? :Nostalgic sigh:

First loves aren't just people. They aren't just experiences. They are lifetime moments that we'll take with us until we're old and gray.

Some first loves are our first kiss. Or our first time. Or all of the above. For others, all of these firsts are separate. Some first loves are our only loves. Some are the first in a string of loves. Whatever the case, the first time you love another human being, it's powerful, all-encompassing, and limitless. There's no limit to how deeply we love that first time, making it a double-edged sword.

First loves are special because we aren't holding misconceptions or preconceived notions or fears about what could happen. In the words of my signature sign off, we just love freely.

Sometimes we get hurt. And, well, as I always say, sometimes we get married. Guess it's just the luck of the draw.

We're up until 4am on the phone without any rhyme or reason. We laugh, we cry, we look at them across the room, we're plain giddy, googly eyed, and as I like to say, a cupcake.

But, the true beauty of life and love is that if we get hurt, someone else will come around, and despite those preconceived notions and those fears, we'll be able to love them just as freely, if not more freely, than our first love. If you're first love isn't your only love, don't be upset. Maybe you're the lucky one because half of the fun in life is waiting for that earth-shattering love to shake you one more time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Girl Talk

From my nineteen years of experience as a female, I've learned two words: girls talk.

They talk a lot.

I'm sure men talk a lot, too. Unfortunately, women are known for it.

Imagine this scenario (if you're a girl): Your guy/boyfriend/hookup/whatever he is/crush is getting on your nerves. Maybe he forgot to call. Maybe he's in a bad mood. Maybe he didn't remember your birthday. Either way, you're annoyed so you go to your girlfriend for advice and she tells you to play a "game" and ignore him or, on the other hand, confront him with your feelings (again, my experience in girl world tells me advice usually falls into one of these two categories...not always, but usually.) So, you adhere to the advice and the situation blows up far more than you anticipated.

When is it OK to listen to your girlfriends?

See, girls always say "I want what's best for you. I just want you to be happy." But, that statement can only be taken seriously based on the person, not the words. Sorry to be a cynical Sally, but not EVERYONE (male or female) wants what's best for you. That might be part of why they say what they say but it's not always the main motive. Some people are motivated by jealousy, their own pain, or a number of other things.

So recognize the motive for what it is and not what they say it is.

Your best girlfriends will mean well but some girls take things to extremes. Adhere to your personal experiences and what your gut tells you before you run with your girl's advice to ignore him for 3-4 days (come on, you know you've tried this before. Guys NEVER notice these silly kindgergarten games. Chances are you wasted your own time and energy and he didn't even bat an eyelash.)

In the end, all you should do is listen to your own head and heart. Don't take advice from so many different people that you can't hear your own thoughts. Trust what you feel and don't be skewed by what other people think, perceive, or believe because sometimes, it's just flat out wrong.

Love freely,

Sunday, October 4, 2009


If you like poems about love with religious overtones, read. If you like poems that are just written for the beauty of writing's sake, well then read. If you're already on, well then read. And, if any references are incorrect, I would apologize but I write for the sake of writing, not for accuracy.


I'm halfway to heaven
And halfway to hell
And the difference between the two is so slight
That I can't even tell
If I let your hands
Slip away from mine
I'll be free for the angels
And go where it's divine
But if I keep holding on
I'll just slip into the fire
And fall to a place
Where I'll never be lifted higher
You are my purgatory
And now I must choose
A choice that seems obvious
Yet I feel either way, I'll lose
If I turn away from you
I know I'll rise above
But when it comes to you
I am pious in my love
If I let go of you
I will find salvation
But the desire to keep holding you
Is an overwhelming temptation
Thus a horrific battle wages within
For you are my sweetest and most sacred sin
Sometimes I know I can't continue this behavior
And sometimes I believe you are simply my savior
You were once my grace
But since then, I fell
So, I'm halfway to heaven
and halfway to hell.

Love freely,


"I need some space."

If you've never heard this or said this to someone, whether it be a friend, a significant other, or a roommate, well, then, I've decided you probably are not human.

Usually, we use the term "I need some space" as more of an emotional or mental precaution. But, I'm gonna spin it today and talk about actual physical space.

You know him. The boyfriend who has a permanent space in his girlfriend's room, much to her roommate's dismay. You know her. The girlfriend who has more clothes at her boyfriend's house than her own. You know them. I hope you aren't them. But, you know them.

The closer we become to another human being, the more the boundaries of physical space disappear. This is only natural. But, there is something to be said for being OK with our own space and retreating to it every now and again. Sharing space is like pancakes: just enough and you're satisfied, too much and you'll get sick.

Love freely,

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The V Card

Ha, you think I'm about to blog about sex, don't you?

Come on, you know this is free love. You know I don't do that.

No, today's million dollar word is vulnerability. defines vulnerable as:

capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body.
open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.: an argument vulnerable to refutation; He is vulnerable to bribery.
(of a place) open to assault; difficult to defend: a vulnerable bridge.

The definition that caught my eye was "capable of or suscepitble to being wounded or hurt"

I've never met anyone who said they liked being vulnerable. But, in the world of relationships (well, in general just in the world, but for the context of this blog, obviously I am talking about relationships) vulnerability is a necessary evil. Relationships don't work if a person can't incise someone's surface and making that cut requires the other person to "let their guard down" as the cliche says. But, like I said, I've never met anyone who likes doing it. People either just accept it or fear it.

Here's where the definitions come in. "Capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt." Most people don't usually hold their arm out waiting for someone to either admire it or slice it with a razor knife So, why is it we do the same thing with our heart?

The answer? We don't.

Well, we do.

But we don't have any control over it.

As much as some people spend years building emotional walls, aligning each brick with just the right amount of cement so nothing can demolish it, emotions are limitless. Love, real love, is limitless. These things don't understand or acknowledge boundaries or fear. So, when we reach that point, no matter how hard we try or what we want or don't want, we shed our layers freely, hoping for the best and sometimes not even anticipating the worst. Most times, we get hurt. And, well maybe one time you'll get married.

And, that, my friend, is why vulnerability is a female dog.

But, a necessary evil nonetheless.

Love freely,