They're mushy, gushy, difficult, and consuming. I avoid them at all costs because they distract me and I don't care much for distractions.
But today, a good friend of mine said something very true. She told me, "If your emotions wear off, it makes you less of a person. Emotions keep you grounded and real."
It has been my experience that people who don't "do feelings" are usually setting themselves up for failure. The ability to feel, whether it's happiness, sadness, hurt, anger, etc. is a sign of immense maturity and strength. It's a sign that you are genuine, you know who you are, and most importantly, you are OK with yourself and your experiences.
Emotions, particularly less happy ones, can be a burden and they can drain us. But, recognizing them and letting them out allows us to keep moving and growing. Otherwise, we remain stagnant while only telling ourselves that we are moving. It doesn't make us stronger to be unattached; instead, avoiding attachment is the ultimate sign of weakness. Sure, not everyone deserves to peel your layers, but if no one ever does, you'll end up molding. It is actually much better to admit what people mean to us and accept those feelings for what they are.
Don't forget though, no one likes a cry baby, a Debbie Downer, or a dweller. Feel and let it consume you for a moment and then keep it moving.
So, the next time someone tells you that they don't "do feelings," tell them you don't either. You do people.
Love freely,
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