We throw around the word "connect" a lot when it comes to relationships. "We lost a connection." "I feel a disconnect."
Last night, a friend and I discussed how some women connect with men primarily on a physical level. It's funny that our society automatically pins men as the ones who only connect physically. However, the wrong word in that statement is "connect." Men can be (not always, let me not generalize) the ones who act physically. But, actions do not equal connections.
Unfortunately, many women primarily connect physically. They speak in high-pitched voices and hit men playfully on their arms. Don't you have anything to SAY?
I've found that my mouth sometimes gets me into trouble but it also faciliates some of the best connections and relationships. As I've mentioned in many previous posts, we need to speak. Those connections are much less fleeting and much more accurate in terms of how well we work with another homo sapien.
Love freely,
The depth of communication between male and female does extend beyond the physical realm; however, I would have to say that a connection has less to do with conversation and more to do with whats not being said... Connections are built over time and outlined by the trials that we face! Things that are said carry little to no value, unless the words spoken are paralleled by actions! True love is defined by sacrifice, a connection is established when one doesn't speak, but sacrifices there ego and shows there true feelings...