Saturday, January 2, 2010


A new post for a new decade. I like it.

I have always struggled with the idea of housewives. ABC made it popular when a group of women on Wisteria Lane engaged in endless debauchery. Bravo capitalized on the role with women from different parts of the country who attend lavish parties and hire nannies for their children.

But, what's the big deal about domesticity?

I, for one, have never really understood why cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the home are 1) only assumptions of the role of a wife and 2) so attractive to some men. Perhaps, ironically enough, it is empowering for a woman to take care of her home AND do other things. But, I don't think it should be required. I don't think it makes you any less of a woman if you can't cook and I don't think it makes you any less of a man if you can't change a tire.

Today, a friend of mine told me I wasn't domestic. "I can clean, though," I laughed.
"Yeah, but when I think of domestic I think of someone folding my laundry, cooking, etc. You aren't like that."
"Is that a compliment?" I asked.
"Of course it's a compliment; you don't want to be one of those girls."

And, you know what? Maybe I don't. Sure, I can fold my own laundry and hey, maybe this year I will even learn how to put a decent meal together (I mean I will be living in a real live apartment with a kitchen in a matter of weeks) but even if I never knew how to do any of these things, it wouldn't make me less of a woman and more importantly, it wouldn't make me a worse off Tyece.

At the end of the day, I have free love. How many Real Housewives of Orange County can say they have my lyrical blog skills???

Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating.

Then again, maybe not.

Love freely,

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