Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Let's give it up for love

Some days, Free Love is a pretty ironic name for my blog. Some days, I lament about couples blocking my pathway as they hold hands and get all goo goo ga ga eyed over each other. Some days, I mock girls who turn into total mush when their crush comes around. Some days, I am just not having it with love.

And, while I can't guarantee any less sarcasm in the coming posts, today I figured I'd switch it up and just give a shot out to love.

Last night, a good friend of mine and I were talking about priorities in life, having a relationship, etc. I kind of feel like one of those women who spends years gaining a reputation at her job and making six figures and then turns to her husband of a decade one day and goes "Yea, maybe I do want kids." (Except, of course, I don't want children and I don't have a husband...I just mean I'm back in relationship mode.) I preach independence and self-sufficiency and those are things I will value forever, hands down. But, it also dawned on me that there wouldn't be billions of people in the world if God (or the gods or non-god...whatever you believe or don't believe) wanted us to live life by ourselves.

In the end, it's OK to have a crush. It's OK to fall in love. It's OK to not know what the hell you want and maybe mess up a time or two. It's OK to let other people catch you when you fall. It's OK to know you can't do it all, sometimes.

It's OK to let love in your life and never look back.

I can't promise you the next post will be this sugary, but I can promise you that despite my rock hard emotional exterior, I believe in a little thing called love.

Love freely,

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