You know what annoys me more than girls who hold full conversations in the bathroom? More than guys with no life goals or motivation who try to "holla?" More than...well you get the picture.
Anyway, the thing that annoys me more than the aforementioned entities is people who use the virtual world to convey their emotions...specifically, their more vengeful emotions.
How many Facebook statuses have we read saying, "I'm done with you and you know who you are," or "I screwed up and I can only hope he forgives me?" Our 21st century tech savvy generation uses technology as a messenger. Unfortunately, the virtual world isn't always the place to air our dirty laundry.
Ever heard the expression, "If you have something to say, say it to my face?" Well, kids, take that and eat it up because that's exactly how you should handle your problems. If it's personal, why make it public by airing it for the world to see in hopes of that certain someone reading it and taking it to heart?
Perhaps this post is slightly hypocritical. Perhaps in the 10 or so months that I've been writing, I've alluded to my personal life on more than one occassion. But, the person and/or persons who could be involved don't read this blog and I like to keep it that way. After all, there wouldn't be a free love if I didn't bring some personal experience to the table. I like to think this blog is about 10% personal experience and 90% what I pick up and observe from other people.
Nonetheless, if you truly feel something and truly have something to say, the person's face is the best outlet for that--not the flashing cursor on your computer screen. And, if you just need to get something off of your chest, might I suggest a wonderful thing called a journal. If you sneak a peak under my bed, there's an old journal filled with scattered loose leaf paper, a newer journal that's getting me through college, and an inspiration book filled with random things that keep me inspired. I'm a profilic member of the journal writing industry.
Think before you speak and if you have to think before you type, well, you may not be thinking at all.
Love freely,
A friend of mine found out her dad and stepmom were having problems and probably getting a divorce because her stepmom changed her relationship status on Facebook from "Married" to "It's Complicated". Just thought I'd share since it illustrates exactly what you're saying right here.