A) I really need to start blogging more. Work and my internship (s) kind of rule my existence at the moment but blogging is a great destressor.
B) Here is my latest post.
I heard this quote awhile ago while I was still in school and I must say, truer words were never spoken.
"Guys are friends until something gives them a reason to be enemies; girls are enemies until something gives them a reason to be friends."
There is a plethora of media about the destructive relationships among women. Essence editor-in-chief Angela Burt-Murray even wrote about it in her editor's note in her magazine awhile ago. Films like Mean Girls glorify it. Women are characteristically not nice and more importantly, they are not nice to one another.
This is kind of about relationships and love and all of that wonderful jazz I write about and kind of not. Part of this is about a fundamental and sometimes subconscious flaw among a gender that needs to unite.
Think about it. Have you ever been out at a restaurant or dancing at a club, spotted some hot chick, and eyed her down? Even if you don't want to own up to it, you probably have, even if it's on the most subconscious level.
Why? Why do we this? We know nothing about someone who is more attractive than us than that well, she's more attractive (in our opinion at least.) We go into "survival of the fittest" mode thinking that she might have a better chance of getting that cute guy on the dance floor than we do. It's all mental, people.
Really, it only reflects poorly on women as a whole when we victimize one another and avoid friendships. I'm an avid believer that you can not and will not be friends with everyone. But, I'm also an avid believer in not having enemies. At worst, let's remain neutral toward women we don't know and at best, let's be kind. Men look at our behavior and notice it whether we realize it or not (I heard the quote I wrote about here from a guy.) Not only do guys notice it, but they judge who we are and who we will be in a relationship based on it. No one wants a girlfriend who is going to get insecure anytime a hot girl walks by. I say, acknowledge that she's cute. Everyone can appreciate beauty, not just men.
And, even if we're not worried about what guys think about us (which should not be our first priority), we need to worry about what we think of ourselves.
Can't we all just get along????
Love freely,
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