Ahh, this marks post number 50 for me. :celebrates:
Alright, moving on to more important things.
A friend and I got to talking this week about girls which led to a discussion about girls who are two words: hot and smart.
First things first, every girl wants to put themselves in this category. I mean maybe we're not all egotistical enough to call ourselves hot but we would like to believe we are somewhat attractive. We also would like to believe we have something going on up there in the cranium. Fair enough. But, in this context, smart means more than "I get A's on my exams" because, quite frankly, an A on an exam (to me at least) means you know how to study and attack the enemy. It does not necessarily mean you are "smart," although that is the implication.
No, in this context smart also means you are articulate. Well-versed. Opinionated.
Well-versed/articulate/opinionated+attractive=a tough combination.
It's the blessing and the curse. If you keep hitting up the gym and hitting the books and keeping that indomitable combination, you will prove to be great wife material in a few years. No one wants to marry a dumb broad. However, if you're hitting the gym and hitting the books during those lovely college years (ohh...from about 18-24), you could quite possibly serve as a threat to the male ego.
Why? Because ALL guys SAY they want a girl who's attractive and speaks her mind, but it's a classic case of be careful what you wish for. If and when most guys get that girl who has killer legs and also has no problem rapping about the state of the economy (which um if you're living in the same America where I'm currently writing this post, I hope with all my heart you can do) or who subscribes to Forbes or kicks back with a good book every now and again, they are intimidated. At this youthful, vibrant, let's-get-wasted-and-hook-up college age, the number of guys who can actually handle the substance of a strong girl are scarce. In the end, guys want a trophy piece. She looks great on the mantle but she doesn't respond. And, you would be surprised how many girls are trophy pieces. I mean, I get a great laugh out of them. They twirl their locks and laugh incessantly which makes me laugh incessantly so I think everyone wins.
But, we can't blame it on guys. Their egos haven't caught up yet. Men want to be dominant in every circumstance and when a woman impedes upon that dominance, it's a lot easier to step out than to step up. (So I sat here and reread that sentence and realized how much of a bra burner I sound like. Whoa.)
My advice? Keeping working out. Keeping reading. Keep improving yourself. If you're lucky, someone will come along, step up, and love it. You're living for you, not for the acceptance of the male psyche. And, in a few years when it's time to start thinking about that shiny thing that goes around a finger on your left hand, you will have the advantage of the chick whose most substantial thing to say was, "OH EM GEE. I am sooooo wasted!"
Love freely,
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