Friday, June 19, 2009


It's a timeless question. One that I've thought of especially now that I'm getting my first dose of working life.

Dream job or dream man?

I did an endless search of quotes for this post. And, while I hated her show, I loved this quote of hers. I'm not sure how much it relates but hey, it's good stuff.

"The thing women have yet to learn is that no one gives you power. You just take it."
-Roseanne Barr

There's no right or wrong to this hypothetical question. You're most likely young and have not been faced with a dream job or a dream man yet. But, think for a second. IF you had to choose, which would it be?

It's not a fair decision. Shouldn't any happy woman be able to have both? 
Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way. When I look at successful women like Oprah or Tyra Banks or Bethenny Frankel (the best and only non-housewife of New York City), I see the dream job...but, not the dream man.

If your dream job is being a mother, you're in luck. Because, as far as I see it, that's the only guaranteed way to get both. Maybe I'm wrong. Just my theory. Otherwise, dream jobs come with sacrifice. Whoever heard of a female CEO who made it home by 5 everyday to feed a family? Send me the link if you find that one.

I've thought about this question a lot and I still could not tell you how I would answer it. And, even if I could answer it, I probably wouldn't tell you. I can, however, say this: I don't think a dream man exists. I can't conjure up in my head what he would look like, act like, or be like because I want someone who's perfectly imperfect. I can also tell you this: I've spent 4 weeks now working 9-5 (or some variation of that), and going home to just my laptop and the latest Curtis Sittenfeld novel is not enough. It's perfectly fine now because I'm 19 and this is my summer stint, but I can't imagine being 29 and having that be my full-time life.

Your dream man might not be what you expected. Your dream job might not be what you hoped for. But, as long as you keep on dreaming, maybe you'll end up lucky.

Love freely,

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