Monday, August 9, 2010

Dinnertime Pt. 2

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It's no secret that being attractive helps you out in life. Ever heard of a little thing called the halo effect? Whether we admit it or not, we judge people based on their looks. And, as humans, I don't think we should be faulted for that. We've been conditioned that way. Physical attraction is pretty much the only basis we have for being attracted to someone right away because we always see a person before we hear them speak, laugh, etc.

So, what's the point of all this psychobabble? Well, my problem (and today's blog post) comes in when super attractive people think they can get away with being empty shells just because they are so hot. Unfortunately, your pretty brown eyes (hums mint condition) can't talk, make interesting points, or make someone laugh. Too many people think that being attractive should get them everything they want out of if they shouldn't have to work for anything.

Well, wrong.

God willing, one day you'll be 65 and you won't be nearly as attractive as you are now (unless you're way more fortunate than the rest of us) and you will need something (aka a personality) to get you through. So, consider yourself lucky if you're blessed with good looks because they will help you out in life and that's not a problem. But, get a hobby. Find something interesting to talk about. Because, a personality will get you a lot further than your body and face combined.

Remember: a pretty face will get you to the dinner, but it won't get you through the dinner.

Love freely,

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