Sunday, September 20, 2009

Destruction: Love, lust, and like.

Not a poem. Random string of thoughts.

People themselves are not destructive.
They don't come along hoping to destroy our lives or break our hearts or manipulate us.
Feelings and emotions are where the destruction comes into play.
The time we devote to these people
and the ways in which we fall for them
bring out the ugliness that wasn't there in the beginning.
At the end of relationships or relationwhatevers we always put the blame on the person.
And sometimes it's fair.
But, sometimes it's not.
Maybe we should take some of the responsibility for our actions
our reactions
and most importantly, our feelings.
Maybe we should realize that sometimes when we get in too deep
we haven't just dug a hole
we've fallen into an abyss
and maybe sometimes we just have to realize that's what love, lust, like, and all of the above do.
Because sometimes I think "like" and "lust" are just duller, more elementary, watered down versions of love.
Their "ike" and "ust" never turn into "ove"
but the emotions behind them are still all encompassing
so powerful that we become powerless
or maybe "ike" and "ust" are just ways to deny that we actually love someone
words that society deems more fit because love is scary
and everyone knows it.

Love freely,

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