Monday, February 23, 2009

Review: He's Just Not That Into You

Although the movie debuted nearly 2 weeks ago, I only started this blog a few days ago so here's my review.

First off, if you haven't seen it, GO see it. Like now. I will do my best not to ruin the story.

"He's Just Not That Into You" tells the story of several different people and their ups and downs in the world of dating and marriage. The stories are interwoven in a realistic way that's easy to follow.

I loved this movie because everyone can identify with at least one of the characters. Although I heard many people complain that the single and not-so-subtly desperate main character Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) was ridiculous and exaggerated, every woman can identify with her dilemma at some point. EVERY woman has tried too hard or over analyzed a situation or sat waiting for their phone to ring. Gigi had to be exaggerated in order for the story to work. If she sat waiting for her phone to ring once and then decided she was over it, the movie wouldn't have had a plot.

The message behind the movie is explicit based on the title. So many times, women (and men) try to rationalize why a situation isn't working: he can't handle me, he's not ready to get over his past relationships, we're waiting for when the time is right, we're not going to put a title on this, and the list goes on and on. Perhaps if we stopped to think without thinking TOO much, we'd realize that sometimes a relationship isn't meant to be because he (or she) is just not that into you. When a person is into you, they will do whatever they have to do to make things work. They will sacrifice and overlook any sort of obstacles to be with you.

In an era where movies are giving way too many fairy tale endings,
"He's Just Not That Into You" is real. You'll leave the theatre looking at your own love life in a genuine and raw way. You might think about that person who's been in and out of your life and you won't think "oh he'll come around eventually and save the day" the way you would think leaving one of those hopeful romantic dramas. Instead, you might decide to face the facts and realize that he's just not that into you.

Love freely,

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