Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Status Schmatus.

We live in 2010. We have videos at our fingertips on YouTube, we can connect with people we knew in elementary school on Facebook, and for pretty much anything under the sun...there's an app for that.

So, it struck me as both surprising and unfortunate when I had a conversation with a friend of mine about how socioeconomic status has caused the demise of some relationships.

Now, this issue may or may not be near and dear to my heart for those who know me well. But, I didn't know it was something that other people my age also dealt with. I thought it was this unique monster--apparently the Boogeyman is under more than one bed.

Picture this pretty simple scenario: Girl and boy meet. Girl and boy fall in love. Girl comes from a family of wealth and prestige...doctors, lawyers, the whole nine. Boy comes from a modest blue-collar family. Girl's parents do not approve of boy because of his background, independent of knowing who boy is.

This crap sounds like it should've died in 1910.

Yet, a century later, it's still rearing its ugly head.

There's a basic principle here: what you come from should not determine who you are who you become. It's the good ol' nature vs. nurture argument, folks. And, more importantly, what you come from shouldn't dictate who you can and can't love.

Now, I am a realist. I understand that marriages do not survive on ooey gooey love alone. But, there are also plenty of million dollar couples who don't last. Marriage is a partnership based on so many different entities, but love is by far the most important one of all. If your family comes from money, awesome. Please enjoy that privilege. And if your family is a bit of a mess, awesome. Use it as more motivation to get ahead. But, when it comes to love, those things really shouldn't matter.

I would say we live in 2010.

But, hey, maybe we still don't.

Love freely,

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