Thursday, July 22, 2010

Theory or Practice?

Today, originally unbeknownst to me at first, a married man hit on me. This prompted the bitch to come back with a blog post.

Anonymous married man is a coworker whom I had a good deal of respect for until this incident. Needless to say, I was shocked when he told me via work IM that he had a wife and a child. It not only made me 1) sad and 2) hesitant to keep talking but 3) made me wonder how authentic is the institution of marriage?

I didn't come to crush the dreams of people who believe in happily ever after. I, too, want to get married. No questions asked. But, when this man told me "marriage is BS unless you're in love" (a clear admittance that he doesn't love his wife) I started losing even more faith in this institution. The number of people whom cheat or get divorced is way higher than the number who stay married and if they stay married, how many of them are happily married????

I think too many people (namely women) stop at the "Here comes the bride" and don't think about marriage as an institution. A complete toss up of your entire world. Something you have to committ yourself to every possible minute if it has any chance of working.

I feel badly for the guy at my job, but at least it's not too late for most of us. Just remember, the wedding is the dream, but marriage is the act.

Love freely,

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