Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thought Process

I need to use this thing more.

I guess it's just that love has gone from a hobby and interest to a... personal investment if you will and I'm relucant to plaster my feelings all over the net.

That being said, let's begin, kids.

I'm not sure why this blog has made people think I'm the love guru. I'm certainly not yet this hasn't stopped friends from asking me about their love lives in which I'm a quiet observer at best. Thanks, people. I'm really not that cool but I appreciate your confidence in my Hitch like abilities.

In talking to my friends and thinking about my own life, I realized a pretty overarching statement: women think too much.

Do I call him? Should I wait for him to call? Do I care too much? Is he bored? Why did that girl talk to him? Why didn't he say I love you that time? It's a stream of unnecessary verbal vomit. Meanwhile, men sit pretty. They are either in it or they are not in it and they have no qualms or doubts about it.

I admire this about men and it's a characteristic I want to embody, as I feel all women should. Thinking too much is like reading the movie review. In some cases, it helps you know what to expect. But, most times, it just screws with your expectations and makes for a less enjoyable experience.

Be in something 100%. Give it your all or don't do it. And once you decide to do it, don't think about it.

Just go to the damn show.

Love freely,

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