Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Limited.

I have a theory.

Women are usually stereotyped into 4 categories:
1) the smart girl
2) the hot girl
3) the ditzy girl
4) the bitch (excuse my language! only for the purposes of my theory)

It's rare for these categories to overlap. The most common is the hot and ditzy girl. Other than that, you're usually limited to one category. You can't be a hot smart girl (see post from a couple of weeks ago.) You certainly can't be the ditzy bitch (b/c being the bitch usually implies you have sharp wit and well, that doesn't align with being ditzy.) Can you be a smart bitch? Hmm...maybe. Can you be a hot bitch? Yea, I guess. If you're one of those cocky attractive girls. Yea. Obviously you can't be smart and ditzy--they are opposites.

Ok, I'm rambling.

My point is it's easy to throw people into these categories without getting to know them or realizing that no one person fits into just one category. Everyone is complex and complete with layers. People will only do what you allow them to do. So, if you allow them to limit you, don't you deserve to be limited?

Food for thought I guess. Eat up.

Love freely,

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