Katharine Heigl plays a high-strung TV producer.
Well, where have we seen THIS before?
Went out on Sunday night to see a movie I've been anticipating for most of the summer--The Ugly Truth. Now, having seen the movie, I'm not exactly sure what I was anticipating because a) the previews gave away most of the funny scenes and b) it's very predictable. Nonetheless, if you're like me and you're one of those girls who enjoys foul male humor, you will spend an hour and a half laughing which is more than I can say for some movies I've seen this summer.
The ending is pretty jilted, way too abrupt, and, well, predictable.
I also want Katharine Heigl to get down and dirty and be in a horror film or something. Let's see. Knocked Up? High strung tv producer who gets pregnant. 27 Dresses? High strung assistant. The Ugly Truth? High strung tv producer who falls for chauvinistic coworker. ehh. I'm seeing a trend here.
Overall, I'm giving it 3 stars. Maybe that's even too much credit.
Love freely,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Funny little thing called fate.
something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot: It is always his fate to be left behind.
the universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably prescribed; the decreed cause of events; time: Fate decreed that they would never meet again.
that which is inevitably predetermined; destiny: Death is our ineluctable fate.
Sometimes, it's a cop out to chalk things up to fate. But, when it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes the easiest thing to do, sometimes the best thing to do, sometimes the only thing to do, is realize it's all in the hands of a funny little thing called fate. Everything happens for a reason whether we see it in that moment or don't see it until years later. We can't keep putting the blame on ourselves or putting it on other people. We can't beg and plead for forgiveness or love or faith. We can only do what it's in our power to do and sometimes that means just letting nature run its course. All we can hope is that every experience changes us for the better, helps us grow up a little more, and brings us a little closer to the person we hope to become.
Here's to a funny little thing called fate.
Love freely,
something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot: It is always his fate to be left behind.
the universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably prescribed; the decreed cause of events; time: Fate decreed that they would never meet again.
that which is inevitably predetermined; destiny: Death is our ineluctable fate.
Sometimes, it's a cop out to chalk things up to fate. But, when it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes the easiest thing to do, sometimes the best thing to do, sometimes the only thing to do, is realize it's all in the hands of a funny little thing called fate. Everything happens for a reason whether we see it in that moment or don't see it until years later. We can't keep putting the blame on ourselves or putting it on other people. We can't beg and plead for forgiveness or love or faith. We can only do what it's in our power to do and sometimes that means just letting nature run its course. All we can hope is that every experience changes us for the better, helps us grow up a little more, and brings us a little closer to the person we hope to become.
Here's to a funny little thing called fate.
Love freely,
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Stuck in my head, thought I would share.
Are we asking for too much?

We want and we want and we take and we take.
But, are we simply asking for too much?
Love freely,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Limited.
I have a theory.
Women are usually stereotyped into 4 categories:
1) the smart girl
2) the hot girl
3) the ditzy girl
4) the bitch (excuse my language! only for the purposes of my theory)
It's rare for these categories to overlap. The most common is the hot and ditzy girl. Other than that, you're usually limited to one category. You can't be a hot smart girl (see post from a couple of weeks ago.) You certainly can't be the ditzy bitch (b/c being the bitch usually implies you have sharp wit and well, that doesn't align with being ditzy.) Can you be a smart bitch? Hmm...maybe. Can you be a hot bitch? Yea, I guess. If you're one of those cocky attractive girls. Yea. Obviously you can't be smart and ditzy--they are opposites.
Ok, I'm rambling.
My point is it's easy to throw people into these categories without getting to know them or realizing that no one person fits into just one category. Everyone is complex and complete with layers. People will only do what you allow them to do. So, if you allow them to limit you, don't you deserve to be limited?
Food for thought I guess. Eat up.
Love freely,
Women are usually stereotyped into 4 categories:
1) the smart girl
2) the hot girl
3) the ditzy girl
4) the bitch (excuse my language! only for the purposes of my theory)
It's rare for these categories to overlap. The most common is the hot and ditzy girl. Other than that, you're usually limited to one category. You can't be a hot smart girl (see post from a couple of weeks ago.) You certainly can't be the ditzy bitch (b/c being the bitch usually implies you have sharp wit and well, that doesn't align with being ditzy.) Can you be a smart bitch? Hmm...maybe. Can you be a hot bitch? Yea, I guess. If you're one of those cocky attractive girls. Yea. Obviously you can't be smart and ditzy--they are opposites.
Ok, I'm rambling.
My point is it's easy to throw people into these categories without getting to know them or realizing that no one person fits into just one category. Everyone is complex and complete with layers. People will only do what you allow them to do. So, if you allow them to limit you, don't you deserve to be limited?
Food for thought I guess. Eat up.
Love freely,
Friday, July 17, 2009
La comida para el pensamiento
Janet Jackson--Got till it's gone
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Loving freely means loving unselfishly, unconditionally, and humbly. Look at the people that have been dropped into your life whether by fate or God or a little crazy mixture of both and count your blessings. Be gracious and be grateful. Don't just tell people you love them; show it through actions and behaviors. Because you shouldn't have to wait till something is gone to recognize and appreciate what you've got. A few events this summer have taught me this.
Side note: My last poem is the first in a series I'm going to start working on called the "Shaken to the Core" series--anecdotes about love in the form of poetry. Yay, a mini Ty project. Look out for more :)
Love freely,
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Loving freely means loving unselfishly, unconditionally, and humbly. Look at the people that have been dropped into your life whether by fate or God or a little crazy mixture of both and count your blessings. Be gracious and be grateful. Don't just tell people you love them; show it through actions and behaviors. Because you shouldn't have to wait till something is gone to recognize and appreciate what you've got. A few events this summer have taught me this.
Side note: My last poem is the first in a series I'm going to start working on called the "Shaken to the Core" series--anecdotes about love in the form of poetry. Yay, a mini Ty project. Look out for more :)
Love freely,
Monday, July 13, 2009
Shaken to the Core: A Love Story
I got in from my internship today and decided to do some writing. Enjoy.
Love freely,
Shaken to the Core: A Love Story
He was the star of the water polo team
She was the girl next door
He thrived on action and adventure
She considered life just a bore
Yet, she caught his attention one afternoon
By the stairs of his athletic dorm
Decided it wouldn’t hurt to say hey
Never knowing he would cause such a torrential storm
College was new to her
The thought of this unknown boy was too
For 18 years life had been a bore
So she decided it was time to start anew
He made her laugh till her stomach hurt
All while cracking that charming smile
Lured her in so much so
That she decided she should hang out for awhile
He told her about his parents
His lifelong dreams of holding an Olympic medal
He told her it was always hard to find girls
Because best was the only thing for which he would settle
“Something about you is different,” he told her
And how could she possibly see through this?
Her mind was flooded with the possibilities
And became mush the first time he gave her a kiss
They held hands and spent nights together
Shared secrets, goals, and fears
She never thought on the nights she wasn’t in bed
Maybe someone else was here
But the whispers about her guy
Grew to loud exclamations in her ear
But how could she believe his infidelity
When he was the one who wiped her heartbroken tears?
Her heart told her mind she loved him
The nights he didn’t show up her body ached
In her yearning for him, mind, body and soul
She didn’t hear the tiny cracks as her heart would break
Even when her mind began to say no
Or protested about how he was not real
She would let him in the unlocked door
Remembering how good he made every part of her body feel
He showed up when it was convenient
Remained absent when it was not
But how on Earth could she give him up
When the getting together was undeniably hot
As she climbed on him
She longed to fall into his arms and cry
Wondering why some nights he would hold her until the morning
While others he would never even speak without mentioning why
Instead, she moaned into his ear recklessly
Suppressing her inside pain
Her life was a constant downhill slide
A male-inflicted downpour of rain
Things between them fell apart
On and off eventually just never turned back on
She missed him, she wanted him, she needed him
Knowing those desires were completely wrong
She never decided what to believe
At some point, she no longer cared
She gave him all of her
Yet he was never willing to share.
He was the star of the water polo team
She was the girl next door
He took her. He took her. All of her
All while shaking her to her core.
Love freely,
Shaken to the Core: A Love Story
He was the star of the water polo team
She was the girl next door
He thrived on action and adventure
She considered life just a bore
Yet, she caught his attention one afternoon
By the stairs of his athletic dorm
Decided it wouldn’t hurt to say hey
Never knowing he would cause such a torrential storm
College was new to her
The thought of this unknown boy was too
For 18 years life had been a bore
So she decided it was time to start anew
He made her laugh till her stomach hurt
All while cracking that charming smile
Lured her in so much so
That she decided she should hang out for awhile
He told her about his parents
His lifelong dreams of holding an Olympic medal
He told her it was always hard to find girls
Because best was the only thing for which he would settle
“Something about you is different,” he told her
And how could she possibly see through this?
Her mind was flooded with the possibilities
And became mush the first time he gave her a kiss
They held hands and spent nights together
Shared secrets, goals, and fears
She never thought on the nights she wasn’t in bed
Maybe someone else was here
But the whispers about her guy
Grew to loud exclamations in her ear
But how could she believe his infidelity
When he was the one who wiped her heartbroken tears?
Her heart told her mind she loved him
The nights he didn’t show up her body ached
In her yearning for him, mind, body and soul
She didn’t hear the tiny cracks as her heart would break
Even when her mind began to say no
Or protested about how he was not real
She would let him in the unlocked door
Remembering how good he made every part of her body feel
He showed up when it was convenient
Remained absent when it was not
But how on Earth could she give him up
When the getting together was undeniably hot
As she climbed on him
She longed to fall into his arms and cry
Wondering why some nights he would hold her until the morning
While others he would never even speak without mentioning why
Instead, she moaned into his ear recklessly
Suppressing her inside pain
Her life was a constant downhill slide
A male-inflicted downpour of rain
Things between them fell apart
On and off eventually just never turned back on
She missed him, she wanted him, she needed him
Knowing those desires were completely wrong
She never decided what to believe
At some point, she no longer cared
She gave him all of her
Yet he was never willing to share.
He was the star of the water polo team
She was the girl next door
He took her. He took her. All of her
All while shaking her to her core.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Men are from Mars...
I'm on Facebook today and I see an ad for the upcoming movie, The Ugly Truth in the corner (a movie I definitely want to see.) Which got me to thinking about all of the media and Hollywood hoopla surrounding a simple implicit fact--women are clueless when it comes to men.
"The Ugly Truth", "He's Just not That Into You", Steve Harvey's book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man (which I am now reading and have decided my sole reason is so I can write a review on this blog and maybe, maybe learn something), askmen.com, etc. And, these are just to name a few. All of these things are making it seem like women are buffoons when it comes to the opposite sex.
OK. Fine. We all know women who repeat their mistakes or just don't seem to get it.
But, are we all REALLY as dumb as they think?
I mean, I don't see men watching "She's Just not That Into You" or visiting askwomen.com. If men are ignorant, they are OK with that ignorance and they don't have some dire need to read about the opposite sex or be encouraged by movies. If anything, they go out and see for themselves. Men, (if there are any who would ever read this blog), I admire and respect that.
In the beginning of Act like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Harvey makes it seem as if his book is some godsend to women of all ages. The panacea for relationship problems. Chances are, I will read his book and still get my heart broken once or twice, make really stupid decisions, and be married to a man for decades and still not know what the hell is going on in his mind.
In the end, women need to stop playing into these distorted implications that we're THAT stupid. If you enjoyed He's Just Not That Into You solely for the entertainment of watching Ginnifer Goodwin's character Gigi be an absolute nut for 2 hrs, then hey, I'm right there with you. But, don't sit down to The Ugly Truth on July 24th hoping to get some huge revelation for your life. Just enjoy the show.
The best teacher is, and always will be, experience. Learning from your experiences without repeating them and/or letting them interfere with your view of the next person to come along is probably going to take you much further than the words on Steve Harvey's pages.
Love freely,
"The Ugly Truth", "He's Just not That Into You", Steve Harvey's book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man (which I am now reading and have decided my sole reason is so I can write a review on this blog and maybe, maybe learn something), askmen.com, etc. And, these are just to name a few. All of these things are making it seem like women are buffoons when it comes to the opposite sex.
OK. Fine. We all know women who repeat their mistakes or just don't seem to get it.
But, are we all REALLY as dumb as they think?
I mean, I don't see men watching "She's Just not That Into You" or visiting askwomen.com. If men are ignorant, they are OK with that ignorance and they don't have some dire need to read about the opposite sex or be encouraged by movies. If anything, they go out and see for themselves. Men, (if there are any who would ever read this blog), I admire and respect that.
In the beginning of Act like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Harvey makes it seem as if his book is some godsend to women of all ages. The panacea for relationship problems. Chances are, I will read his book and still get my heart broken once or twice, make really stupid decisions, and be married to a man for decades and still not know what the hell is going on in his mind.
In the end, women need to stop playing into these distorted implications that we're THAT stupid. If you enjoyed He's Just Not That Into You solely for the entertainment of watching Ginnifer Goodwin's character Gigi be an absolute nut for 2 hrs, then hey, I'm right there with you. But, don't sit down to The Ugly Truth on July 24th hoping to get some huge revelation for your life. Just enjoy the show.
The best teacher is, and always will be, experience. Learning from your experiences without repeating them and/or letting them interfere with your view of the next person to come along is probably going to take you much further than the words on Steve Harvey's pages.
Love freely,
Sunday, July 5, 2009
There's a saying. You always have what you don't want and want what you can't have. Such is our plight in life.
So, I've coined a term for that guy everyone has in their life. The one who we keep around because nothing better is coming along. The one who makes us feel OK and sometimes makes us laugh but never makes our heart skip a beat.
He is the seven.
You know? On a scale from 1-10, he's just a seven.
Seven is average. If you get a 7/10 on a quiz, you didn't do so great.
Unfortunately, sometimes it's easier for us to have a seven than to not settle and be left with zero.
But, in the end, we only cheat ourselves with the seven. We aren't invested; we're only along for the ride so we learn absolutely nothing in the process. Wouldn't it be better to just give ourselves space and time so we can figure out who we are and not waste ourselves on things we don't really want?
I was never cool with getting 7/10. That's a C. And those lower your GPA--growth and personal acceptance.
Love freely,
So, I've coined a term for that guy everyone has in their life. The one who we keep around because nothing better is coming along. The one who makes us feel OK and sometimes makes us laugh but never makes our heart skip a beat.
He is the seven.
You know? On a scale from 1-10, he's just a seven.
Seven is average. If you get a 7/10 on a quiz, you didn't do so great.
Unfortunately, sometimes it's easier for us to have a seven than to not settle and be left with zero.
But, in the end, we only cheat ourselves with the seven. We aren't invested; we're only along for the ride so we learn absolutely nothing in the process. Wouldn't it be better to just give ourselves space and time so we can figure out who we are and not waste ourselves on things we don't really want?
I was never cool with getting 7/10. That's a C. And those lower your GPA--growth and personal acceptance.
Love freely,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
There's a phobia most people share. Some openly admit it while others deny it.
I could branch off a million different ways with this topic but I'm a 19 yr old college student so I'm gonna put that particular spin on this.
Being serious. :cringe:
Relationships have a natural progression. They start off fun and carefree and eventually move to being less spontaneous and more serious. And, unfortunately in many circumstances, that then progresses to an end.
Everyone longs to preserve the early days of a relationship (maybe when it wasn't even referred to as a relationship) when everything was flirtacious, funny, and free-spirited. When hooking up always felt like the first time yet ironically kept getting better. When every story was new and the slate was blank.
However, as we invest more time in someone and peel our layers, that investment translates into how we interact with the person. You don't tell someone your deepest secret or cry uncontrollably in front of them and then chalk it up to fate the next time you see them and they don't greet you with a kiss and a hug. You're offended, not only because you are forming a close bond but because you've fallen into a routine. Spontaneity is what forms relationships; routine is what makes them relationships.
Unfortunately, spontaneity is also what preserves relationships and it's hard to see that.
I've been kind of random in this post so what's my point?
No one LIKES being serious. For most people my age (and I will go on a whim and do a personal confession...yes, even me) being serious is fatal. Scary. Something we avoid at all costs. We feel ourselves having serious feelings and we pull back for fear of rejection or for fear of the unknown. Or, worse, for fear of repeating the same serious past relationships we've had. But, being serious, caring deeply for someone and forming idiosyncratic patterns with someone is completely out of our hands. Our hearts move faster and more passionately than our heads and by the time you're head has caught up, you're probably already in love.
So, if and when a situation comes along that is healthy for you, forget fear of being serious. All you can do is be you and always keep things fresh. You're more likely to regret foregoing a relationship that could have been perfect for you than regret losing one that you chose. Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Love freely,
I could branch off a million different ways with this topic but I'm a 19 yr old college student so I'm gonna put that particular spin on this.
Being serious. :cringe:
Relationships have a natural progression. They start off fun and carefree and eventually move to being less spontaneous and more serious. And, unfortunately in many circumstances, that then progresses to an end.
Everyone longs to preserve the early days of a relationship (maybe when it wasn't even referred to as a relationship) when everything was flirtacious, funny, and free-spirited. When hooking up always felt like the first time yet ironically kept getting better. When every story was new and the slate was blank.
However, as we invest more time in someone and peel our layers, that investment translates into how we interact with the person. You don't tell someone your deepest secret or cry uncontrollably in front of them and then chalk it up to fate the next time you see them and they don't greet you with a kiss and a hug. You're offended, not only because you are forming a close bond but because you've fallen into a routine. Spontaneity is what forms relationships; routine is what makes them relationships.
Unfortunately, spontaneity is also what preserves relationships and it's hard to see that.
I've been kind of random in this post so what's my point?
No one LIKES being serious. For most people my age (and I will go on a whim and do a personal confession...yes, even me) being serious is fatal. Scary. Something we avoid at all costs. We feel ourselves having serious feelings and we pull back for fear of rejection or for fear of the unknown. Or, worse, for fear of repeating the same serious past relationships we've had. But, being serious, caring deeply for someone and forming idiosyncratic patterns with someone is completely out of our hands. Our hearts move faster and more passionately than our heads and by the time you're head has caught up, you're probably already in love.
So, if and when a situation comes along that is healthy for you, forget fear of being serious. All you can do is be you and always keep things fresh. You're more likely to regret foregoing a relationship that could have been perfect for you than regret losing one that you chose. Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Love freely,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sometimes, it's OK to let your guard down.
Because holding it up all the time is heavy.
And carrying that weight is tiring.
So, maybe it's OK to be weak and have someone else be strong for you.
To admit to yourself that it feels good to feel good.
To be wrapped up with someone who cares about you in an explicit and inexplicable way.
To understand you will always take care of yourself
but it doesn't hurt to have others take care of you, too.
Cause the world can twist you, shake you, and throw you around
So, maybe sometimes it's OK to let that guard down.
Love freely,
Because holding it up all the time is heavy.
And carrying that weight is tiring.
So, maybe it's OK to be weak and have someone else be strong for you.
To admit to yourself that it feels good to feel good.
To be wrapped up with someone who cares about you in an explicit and inexplicable way.
To understand you will always take care of yourself
but it doesn't hurt to have others take care of you, too.
Cause the world can twist you, shake you, and throw you around
So, maybe sometimes it's OK to let that guard down.
Love freely,
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